Comparison Trigger Notifications

You can set comparison notifications for terms that their rank Increased/Decreased (by minimum rank or percentage) in compare to Yesterday,

Base rank (first rank recorded in PRT), Week ago, Top (top rank recorded in PRT), Month ago or Your value (any rank you set):

At the left menu, under Reports, click Reports Center -> Notifications -> Trigger Notifications .

At the top-right click Add New Report.

• Type a name for the Notification in the Report Name field and set the report's settings you wish.

• On "Send a notification when any of the Terms rankings", select an Increased by/Decreased by option (check the comparison factor wanted, and type a minimum rank/percentage).

• A new section will open on the right, under “Compares To” select what to compare to.

• Fill the filtering settings for the terms that you want the notification to be triggered for.

• Set your preferred Columns & Sorting.

• If any of the terms of the selected URLs apply the condition set, you will be notified (unless you selected a "Check now (instant export)" report).

• The comparison factor is a minimum qualification, for example if you set “increased by 10%”, you will get notified for an increase of 10% or more (10% and up).

